Bombay Gujju: New York, NY

Saturday, August 27, 2005

An Epilogue to the Summer

So Friday was the end of a chapter in my life. I got done with my internship at fission communications and I finished the book Shantaram.

About Shantaram :
The book is phenomenal. FOr anyone who's from Bombay, or has even visited, it's inspiring. On the surface the book is about an australian convict who escapes from prison and comes to bombay as a fugitive. There he transforms into a local and gets involved with the underworld. But that's only the front - the book is about so much more, it's about relationships, love, passion, reason, philosophy and most importantly, the love for Bombay. I don't think anyone could have described it better, or managed to understand the Bombay psyche better than Gregory David Roberts. Each paragraph, each page was like reading my soul - it changed the way I look at Bombay, and where I fit in to the whole picture. It was like growing up with someone, whom you think you knew really well - and then finding out there's so much more to it. Every quaint tradition and custom which Bombayites have adds to the philosphy of the culture, and I never thought there could be a way to explain it - and here's Shantaram - something that did.
To say that I loved Shantaram would be an understatement - it's become a part of my philosophy and my faith. If there was ever an emotional connection that I had to a work of art - this would be it. It's like listening to poetry that hits you straight in the heart - it totally works.


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