Bombay Gujju: New York, NY

Monday, May 09, 2005

Full Time Work

So today was my first day of full time work at my internship, Fission Education, a company which specializes in medical education. We basically create conferences, right from pitching talk ideas, generating educational materials (lectures, slides, notes, posters etc.) and getting doctors to propogate them. And the pharmaceutical companies pay us to do this. So, it's basically a form of pharmaceutical PR.

And even though today was technically my first full time day, they let me off early. My bosses were all out on a pitch to get this big anemia biotech drug from Roche (called CERA) - a project which I will be working on, should we get it. So I spent the rest of the day baking in the park, and later in the evening went for sin city with my friend Divya (Watal not Mathur), who is all set to go back home this week. The movie rocked! I think I'm probably going to see it again.

While at work today, since there was no work, I ended up reading the 'Best of' on craigslist (I think I'm on the verge of being addicted...but they're soo funny!)

a sample :


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