Bombay Gujju: New York, NY

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lower Back Pain!

I remember the old secretaries in my dad's office who used to come into work and complain about "lower back pain". These fifty something Indian catholics waddling into office and gently touching their tushies to the ergonomically designed chairs while grimacing.

I feel exactly like that today. I don't what I did, but yesterday I woke up with my lower back mildly hurting - assuming that I probably slept in an awkward position, I decided to ignore it. Today morning, however, it worsened by ten times. I was waddling all the way from my house to the station and sat down on the train more precariously than a dog squats to take a dump.

And all this time, while I'm walking (in pain, mind you), I'm thinking that everyone who was staring at me walk funny probably thought I had mad passionate sex with someone who was 15" or more. *sigh* If only that were true...!


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