Chain from Bhangu
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want- good or bad. When you're finished,post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or moritified) about what people remember about you.
I've only known you since mid july..and not counting your memories of me....I have:
-you feeling my breasts the very first time we met.
-you and me going to Sholay together one week after we met..4 hours of non top dancing.
-many many many free events/movies
-many trips to Awash and Mingala.
-"I work for a pharmaceutical company...." heheheheh
-you turning into a smokey smokerson when you're drunk.
-your birthday...all three nights of it...many chocolate martini's.
-smoking up in ashley's apartment....fidel trying to change a bulb....and you following me around in a stoney-haze.
-you (nangs and doo doo)giving me birthday bumps on the filthy streets of the Lower East Side.
-Match Maker Match Maker make me a match......
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
havent met you, but have been visiting your blog off and on. like you, i'm gujju, from bombay, living in nyc now - the 2 greatest cities on the planet. rock on bro! :)
sunny, at 2:59 PM
I remember you coming up to me and saying, "Were you in Xavier's??". I think it was my 2nd or 3rd day in UDCT. My first impression (going by the goofy look on your face and the way you came upto me...) was "Cartoon".
The rest, I think you remember.
Tap tap tapdo, at 5:49 PM
I don't know why I remember this but I remember tuitions at my house every thursday with MR. Lobo hahaha I know you're cracking up right now!! Remember when my parrot threw water all over him & we both cracked up & he got soooo angry with us! & when he called both of us & said to turn the tv on because his son Vincent was playing badminton on tv. hahahaha good times!! love you gujju!
Anonymous, at 9:04 AM
....."ayye, meri jawani" - Aneesh 29 Oct 2003
Kar, at 10:32 AM
Sneaking out in the middle of the night to walk down Marine Drive for no sensible reason in the world...
Could we have been any sillier? :)
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM
Doing the chicken dance and getting caught by the cops.
Anonymous, at 4:52 PM
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