Bombay Gujju: New York, NY

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring is in!

So had a great four course lunch at Dawat, this fancy shmancy Indian food restaurant which has Madhur Jaffery as a consultant on the east side. My lab tech and tutor in the lab, Avani, moves on to the pharmaceutical world this Friday, so my boss took the whole lab out to lunch. The food, although underspiced (on request), still managed to be delish. And of course, free-ness made it taste even better.

Walked crosstown because the weather was so fine, and then filled out a volunteer form at the LGBT center - they said they'll contact me within a week - so still labbing in the meanwhile. But the weather was so great, that I walked 20 blocks just because its been so long!!

In other news, have a date tomorrow.

Hmm...doesn't really sound familiar...

You gotta love Badmash!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Summer in Kenya

Of the 15 odd days that I'm to be in Bombay, 5 will be in Kenya. Which leaves me 10 days in Bombay (give or take). My dad is getting a sponsored trip courtesy some pharmaceutical company, and they have graciously allowed me to stow away. I'm not really sure where we're going outside of the fact that we're based in Nairobi. This is pretty exciting news, considering my favorite Rhode Island roomie Naina was born and raised in Nairobi - so will have her family as local guides to suggest where to go and eat. I'll be there May 6-11, and I'm quite looking forward to the trip.

I'm not really sure how it's going to be when I go back. Navneet went back in the summer and said things were exactly the same - but it's been 2 years for me, and I have only a handful of friends left there. The last time I was there, I felt that I had very little in common with them - and that was after living in Rhode Island where I was detached from the real world. After living in New York, which is abreast with global politics, intellectual conversations and leftist ideals - I'm not sure how I'm going to react when faced with staunch conservatives like the family elders. Anyway, at least there'll be good food :). Which is something I'm definitely looking forward to.

In other news, I'm thinking of volunteering at the LGBT center - what with so much free time on my hands. This way perhaps I'll manage to get a few phone numbers as well. We shall see - will drop in tomorrow/day after and check it out.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sholay, Sabina and Aging

And so there was Sholay this weekend. And so I went. Of course the music was great, I ended up looking hot and it was all in all a fun time. And for the first time I actually got mauled - by someone who apparently works at Goldman Sachs (a 5'7-ish pipsqueak) who forcefully tried to grab my head, crobar Radhika and Paula (who drove up all the way from DC to see me) off me and then put his hand up my shirt and try to feel me up. Of course if there wasn't other drama (the details of which I shall not go into here bec it doesn't involve my life), I would have been all traumatized. But since there was a diversion, I let the guy pass. Although it was flattering - in a very 'cool, guys are trying to maul me' kind of way. *sigh* I'm weird. And have too much time on my hands.

But in other news, I think I managed to see so many desi friends this weekend, perhaps not at the same time - but they all showed up - fahad, shabu shabu assmati (who came down from boston and ate very little even though i insisted she eat more), flaky boobsie boobaneshwar boobinca (who we now need to get a phone appointment to talk with), Nanguskar and Doodeshwar who came over to watch family guy and half of constant gardener (which, btw, is a pretty good movie - little bit formula-ish, but I would def recommend it).

And finally, I'm back to being the lukha central again - although I'm going to try and volunteer at the LGBT center in chelsea. I've also wanted to bartend for a while - perhaps that'll get me some good dates. I need me some good dates. This whole quarter life crisis is disturbing - I'm nearing 25, and I haven't been in a serious relationship ever - also because I spent the major part of my youth in Bombay where i refused to indulge in the incestuous gaybombay circle of relationships. But still, I just think it's about time I began to settle down.

I mean what with being an Ivy Leaguer and all now (sorry - had to throw that in ;))

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This is an announcement. I have been accepted into Cornell University's Graduate Pharmacology Program. Those prissy snobby old rich folk better watch out, because after this gujju moves east - they ain't gonna know what hit them.

Monday, March 20, 2006

And Gujju Royalty Too!

Sabina sent me a clip from DNA India, one of the trashy rags in India that call themselves newspapers, about a Gujju Prince coming out of the closet - wonder if he's single. Now that my extended family has had it's first lesbian wedding, they'd be thrilled at me marrying gujju royalty. Although he does sound like a flamer. Wonder what he looks like..hmm...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Marie's fundraiser

So Marie, my 90-yr-old-housing-activist, had a fundraiser at home today, and as usual, my apartment was packed with a bunch of crazy liberals. You know you're in new york when a 75 year old white woman gets locked in the bathroom, is all flustered and comes out dead serious and panic stricken and says

"Oh man, and the one day that I decide to leave my gun at home!"

*sigh* I am going to miss 130 Morningside Drive, #6C so much.

You Have A Type B+ Personality


You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions

Friday, March 17, 2006

V for Very Bhagat Singh?

Is it just growing up with too many bhagat singh films, or does the new Natalie Portman movie V for Vendetta guy look like Shaheed Bhagat Singh? And btw, the movie's supposed to be really bad.

In anycase going to Red Sky tonight (on 29th bet park and madison) to celebrate St. Pa(r)tty's day - anyone know of any places where there will be free drinks all night long?

Things I have noticed

Having been in Manhattan for the past year without travelling (jersey doesn't count), I have noticed the following:

- Other cities have roads - like really big, wide ones

- The air smells different

- I will eventually settle in San Fran (I just know it)

- People in the other cities are nicer, and not as cynical as New Yorkers (Some random woman actually gave us a quarter for the meter because she noticed we were out).

- Someday when I'm 50, I too will be telling stories to kids which go something like 'When I used to live in Manhattan...'

- Life in New York is, in fact, a lot like FRIENDS - minus the unrealistic budget and obseesive hanging out at coffee shops

- New Yorkers are neurotic. Including me. You have to be.

- Living in New York makes you develop esoteric and eclectic tastes which you will probably never find anywhere else in the world

*sigh* I love being a New Yorker.

Cranky Old Man

I'm beggining to feel like Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets. Bah, Humbug!

There's still India to look forward to! Woohoo!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm on myspace

To anybody who's also on myspace (Aneesh Sheth) - please feel free to add me because right now I have only 3 friends :( .

I'm also on friendster incase anyone's interested. And whatever people might say Friendster is way cooler and less undergradish than myspace.

So there.

After a long time..

I'm finally back in the city!!

The last two weeks have been so hectic, but oh-so-fun!! Was in Minneapolis 2 weeks ago, courtesy The U of MN for an interview - who knew that a little midwestern town could be so fun! Of course, hung out lots with my Nonie baby, but also got wined and dined par excellence by the university - got to see the campus inclduing the super Frank Gehry Bldg (Weissman Museum). The city, albeit quaint, seemed pretty liberal, culturally educated and in general, nice and small. No doubt, I'm definitely going to visit again.

Spent the last week in San Fran - super duper fun with mom, brother and lata (sis in law). We took a day trip to Monterey (yes, I did have Monterey Jack for breakfast with my Jalapeno omlette), where we saw the jellyfishes, had dinner in santa cruz - ate like gluttons and was just really good drama free family time! Of course, it hailed in the city - for the first time in 20 years - and the Californians were all going bezerk, but it was entertaining nonetheless. And yes, I am moving to san fran once I'm done with my PhD.

Speaking of PhDs, I had an interview at Cornell on Monday - God I hope I get in - imagine doing research at sloane kettering and getting the bonus of an ivy league degree - *sigh*. In anycase, trying not to get too excited about it - let me get accepted first and we'll take it from there. Either ways, at least I know I'm definitely coming back to the city!

outisde the cousin's newly acquired house Posted by Picasa

if i were a... Posted by Picasa

hero no.1 and his sister in law Posted by Picasa

without the sunglasses Posted by Picasa

smile Posted by Picasa

sheth snap Posted by Picasa

say cheesy Posted by Picasa

obviously not a morning person Posted by Picasa

me and my mommy Posted by Picasa

long tiring day Posted by Picasa

ma, me, leta in front of the palace of fine arts Posted by Picasa

Golden gate park with mommy Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 12, 2006

What I'm feeling right now!!

Fucked over. BIG TIME. I just found out g is dating someone in mexico. And someone in mexico who he met the very week after we broke up. Like the very next fucking week. Oh no - there was no pining for weeks, there was no pining for anything. AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!! I hate men!! I hate him!!! How the fuck could I be so trusting??!!

Did I not mean anything to him??

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


You know life sucks when the ex you've been pining over on and off for a while has started dating again. And you haven't. Not that I expected him to stay single forever, but still...*sigh*

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hm. Not amused

Aneesh --


A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Media back home

Now, I'm not a fan of the Indian media - they don't know how to report, write or quote. However, there are a few journalists here and there who still make me believe the country has hope. Bacchi Karkaria is one of them - here's what she had to say to Bush on his trip to India.